What Your Taste Buds Tell…

Posted By admin on May 8, 2014 in Wine Club |

Your Taste Buds…


Consider the feedback your tongue has to offer.

When you take your vino into your mouth, discover many new and different fact-gathering
details on your palate in a delightful and powerful new way!

For example:

Taste is more than just flavor… it delivers distinctive areas of combinations and degrees by
which you experience your food ‘and drink’.

Might we take-for-granted the feedback our taste buds deliver, regarding the basic essential
elements of: sweet, acid, salty and bitter?

Next time after you sip your wine consider taking the time to notice the feelings you gather
as you swirl and swish the juices within your mouth.

Really take your time and notice the distinct taste differences. That separateness!

Sweet is located on the first 25% portion of your tongue. Sour (bitter) is located on the back
25% of the tongue. Salty tastes are realized through your outer portions, and… our acidic
discernment comes from a band of receptors, just inside the Salt(y) feedback areas.

Reward yourself with the additional enjoyment of determining your wine(s) balance, by
expanding your taste-buds sensations… noting its fruits, acids, and other elements
contributing to its harmony!

See you in a week, or so… In the meantime, enjoy your wines

Brad Caskey
Durango Liquor & Wine

1145 S Camino Del Rio # 101 (next to Walmart)
Durango, CO 81303
(970) 259-4900