Posts Tagged "online wine club"

Is Bigger Better?

Posted By on Mar 19, 2015 in Wine Club

Bigger and Bigger… large-format wine bottles continue to attract attention.     Hi – Big wine bottles are fetching some good dollars at auctions, there are other advantages to the larger format(s). Even though they can be unwieldy to handle, slow to mature and have to be consumed (for the most) in a single sitting, their appeal lies partly in their impressive size, and the fact that they promise a longer and some...

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The Biodynamic Movement…

Posted By on Feb 12, 2015 in Wine Club

    Biodynamic winegrowers… Hi – The Biodynamic movement abstains from the use of chemicals and encourages holistic agricultural practices, such a planting according to the phases of the moon (an old farmers approach). And it has gathered momentum and respect from the wine world. Winemakers focus on the earthen soil for the quality of their vines. Biodynamic winegrowers, like organic vintners, avoid chemical...

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Where are all the Wineries?…

Posted By on Nov 15, 2014 in Wine Club

Where are all the Wineries? Where in the U.S. do Vineyards reside besides; California, Oregon and Washington? More than 8,000 wineries now produce wine in North America according to Wines & Vines, which released the latest data at their 2014 Unified Wine & Grape Symposium. The number of wineries in the U.S. has continued to grow each year, even during the recession, although the pace had slowed from 2010 through 2012. A large...

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Oak Barrel Aging…

Posted By on Jul 29, 2014 in Wine Club

Oak Barrel Aging…     Hi There… You know that the majority of fine wines are aged in oak barrels… But why? What are the advantages? Are there different types of oak? What do these differences mean? Aging Wine Before It is Bottled… After fermentation is completed and wine is racked several times to remove the largest solids, the young wine is usually rough, raw and green and needs to settle for a...

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